

In ITALY, in the heart of Trentino Alto Adige, in the heart of the DOLOMITES, an uncontaminated region with a wild soul. The majestic peaks dominate the horizon. The bright intense blue sky is reflected in the clear waters of the lakes.

The popular and beloved Borgo di MEZZOCORONA is located in a picturesque position and in the most central point of Trentino. Palazzo Perlerhof is in the center in the square of the Church, in the immediate vicinity of the Church, the Municipality and the public green park, it is located among the historic buildings of the center.

Not only has the Habsburg Monarchy left its mark in Trentino.

Churches and Castles are the testimony of past times.

Visits to the cities of Trento, Bolzano, Verona, Venice and Milan also offer shopping opportunities alongside cultural opportunities.

Lakes, farms, water courses, ski slopes, countless paths lead through nature.

Convenient location to reach just 2 km from the highway exit.

Parking 100 free parking spaces, 50 m, just 3 minutes walk from the Location.

Visit Italy

One of the most beautiful places in the world, never in any other country will you find as much history and beauty as in Italy. Travel destination for centuries, Italy has fascinated travelers from all over the world for all it has to offer…


A mix of nature, culture and traditions, in the heart of the Italian Alps, between the blue color of Lake Garda and the grandeur of the Dolomites, a UNESCO heritage site. This is the wealth of Trentino…

The Dolomites

In 2009 they were recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Their magnificence, landscape uniqueness and geological features attract visitors from all over the world every year….


Experience nature at a slow pace. Discover the new value that can be given to time. Explore woods, lakes and valleys. Every day spent in the Trentino nature helps to find…


Museums, castles, fortifications, ancient churches; every day a page of different history to browse. In Trentino everything is at your fingertips, so every day you can build a different itinerary…


Knowing Trentino also means tasting the history of an ancient cuisine. Discover the traditional dishes of Trentino gastronomy: a heritage of flavors based on the excellence…

Discover all our places

Main Room

Sala Principale

Room Avvolto sasso a vista

Sala Avvolto sasso a vista

Angel Room

Sala Angel

Upper Outdoor

Spazi Esterni Superiori

Outside of the Palace

Palazzo Esteriore

Lower Outdoor

Spazi Esterni Inferiori

Dream Room

Sala Dream

Dance Room & Club

Sala Dance & Club

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